1. fitODBOD::Alcohol_data
    Alcohol data
  2. fitODBOD::Chromosome_data
    Chromosome Data
  3. fitODBOD::Course_data
    Course Data
  4. fitODBOD::Epidemic_Cold
    Family Epidemics
  5. fitODBOD::Exam_data
    Exam Data
  6. fitODBOD::Male_Children
    Male children data
  7. fitODBOD::Plant_DiseaseData
    Plant Disease Incidence data
  8. fitODBOD::Terror_data_ARG
    Terror Data ARG
  9. fitODBOD::Terror_data_USA
    Terror Data USA
  10. fitODBODRshiny::All_Plots
    All Plots data
  11. OlympicRshiny::Olympic
    Olympic data
    spec_tbl_df|271116 x 14
  12. SLPresElection::Election1982
    Presidential Election 1982
  13. SLPresElection::Election1988
    Presidential Election 1988
  14. SLPresElection::Election1994
    Presidential Election 1994
  15. SLPresElection::Election1999
    Presidential Election 1999
  16. SLPresElection::Election2005
    Presidential Election 2005
  17. SLPresElection::Election2010
    Presidential Election 2010
  18. SLPresElection::Election2015
    Presidential Election 2015
  19. SouthParkRshiny::Basic_plots
    Basic plots
  20. SouthParkRshiny::N_Grams_plots
    N Grams plots
  21. SouthParkRshiny::Ratings_Votes_plots
    Ratings Votes plots
  22. SouthParkRshiny::Sentiment_Four_plots
    Sentiment Four plots
  23. SouthParkRshiny::Sentiment_General_plots
    Sentiment General plots
  24. SouthParkRshiny::Sentiment_Support_plots
    Sentiment Support plots
  25. SouthParkRshiny::SouthPark_IMDB_Data
    SouthPark IMDB Data Data from the IMDB website are extracted for the show. The data consists of season, episode, primarytitle, originaltitle, year, runtime(in minutes), averagerating and number of votes.
  26. SouthParkRshiny::SouthPark_Script_Data
    SouthPark Script Data
  27. SouthParkRshiny::Southpark_Summary
    SouthPark Summary
  28. SouthParkRshiny::Swear_Words_plots
    Swear words plots